Kaikki mallit

Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Tietoja tästä mallista

Welcome to many parent's favorite Todoist Template for December. A ton of Elf on the Shelf ideas to save your sanity. Ordered by effort. 😉

🔵 Low effort

🟠 Some effort

🔴 For weekends or when you have some extra time/energy

Complete with directions and a supply list. Check them off as you go, so you know what those naughty elves have already done.

Don't feel you need to do them all, switch them up, add your own, delete the ones that don't vibe with you and mostly have fun (or at least try not to throw the elf out the window). 😅


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Ehdota mallia

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