Kaikki mallit

Internet Privacy & Security

Tietoja tästä mallista

From banking to our email address, we’ve all got a lot of personal information on the web that we want to keep private and secure. The good news is staying safe online is not as hard as it seems.

Use this template to set up password managers, review your privacy and security settings and more. Browse the template to find the tasks that are most important to you, and then read the task comments to find all sorts of tips and tricks, too.

Brian Lovin

Designer at GitHub • Creator of securitycheckli.st

Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Ehdota mallia

Etkö löydä etsimääsi? Täytä lyhyt lomake kertoaksesi meille malleista, joita haluat käyttää.

Ehdota mallia