Tutti i modelli

Carl Pullein

Informazioni su questo flusso di lavoro

Move from "task-based" to "time-based" to gain control of your tasks.

The Time Sector System is about moving away from an unsustainable task-based system, where you have limited control over what is coming at you. To a time-based system that gives you more control over what you work on and when.

With this system, you very quickly learn how much you can reasonably do each day, and if you cannot finish something, you can reschedule it for the next day.

For an extended walkthrough of this system, click here:

My 2024 simple, focused Todoist setup


Implementing the Time Sectors in Todoist is simple:

  1. You use the project area to indicate when you can do the task (this week, next week, this month, next month). 2.Then, you assign labels to the different categories of work you do, from common ones like communications, admin, and chores, to more specific categories that reflect your unique like and work.
  2. You can then match these categories to time blocks in your calendar so when it’s time to do your communications, the only part of your today view to look at is your communications for the day.
  3. When you do your weekly planning, you review your time sector folders (projects) and move anything you feel needs to be done next week into your This Week folder.
  4. Add a date for when you will do it, and you’re good to go.

Carl Pullein

Time Management Innovator and Productivity Coach

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