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Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

Informazioni su questo flusso di lavoro

Use Objectives and Key Results to help you set – and track – rigorous goals, say no to anything that doesn’t move the needle forward, and align action across a company, division, or team. (Or even just in your personal life.)

Objectives describe where you’re going. Key results are the concrete, measurable actions to get you there. You can find examples of how this might look in the example projects included in this Setup.


  1. Set 3-5 high-impact, time-bound (e.g., quarterly) objectives that are ambitious yet achievable.
  2. For each objective, define 3-5 key results that are specific, measurable, and time-bound.
  3. Ensure that individual/team OKRs align with broader organizational goals.
  4. Share OKRs with all relevant stakeholders and make sure everyone understands their role in achieving the objectives.
  5. Schedule regular check-ins (weekly/bi-weekly) to review progress. Update key results based on performance and feedback.
  6. At the end of the OKR cycle (e.g., monthly or quarterly), review what was achieved. Reflect on what worked well and what didn’t, and document lessons learned for future cycles.
  7. Based on the review, adjust your next set of OKRs. Set new objectives and key results for the upcoming cycle.

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