Få en god start på det neste prosjektet ditt med Todoists maler

Bli inspirert med en samling av maler for jobben og livet

Marketing & Sales

Organize your campaigns, sales pipeline, and more

  • Blog Post

    Go from inspiration to publication with this template for your blog.


  • Campaign Tracker

    Track ad campaigns and keep a pulse on your marketing initiatives.


  • Content Calendar

    Strategize, organize, and publish your marketing content on schedule.


  • Content Pipeline

    Keep ideas flowing while making progress on content you're already drafting.


  • Event Planning

    Don't let any crucial event planning details slip through the cracks.


  • Growth Experiments

    Keep track of your team's backlog, pipeline, projects and analyses.


  • Product Launch

    Track everything you need to organize before officially launching.


  • Sales Pipeline

    Ensure great client service and communication by following this pipeline.


  • Social Media Calendar

    Build your brand by planning and publishing top-notch social media content.


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