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An effortless email client for professionals and their teams.

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Spark connects all your email accounts in one place and helps you see what’s important in your inbox. Spark integrates with Todoist, so you can turn any email into a Todoist task in just a few clicks.

Your inbox is where lots of to-dos originate. You have to act on emails from potential partners seeking collaboration or clients requesting information. Yet, it’s easy to miss an important task as it gets piled under newsletters and other emails that require no action. The Spark + Todoist integration lets you quickly export an email to your to-do list and add deadlines, so you never miss a thing. This is a perfect way to handle emails from your colleagues or customers that require more actions than just hitting “Reply.”


  • Turn any email from Spark into a Todoist task.

  • Export emails from Spark to Todoist with a single swipe.

  • View and edit a Spark-based task in Todoist.

  • Open an email in Spark when viewing it in Todoist to get more context.

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