Manage your notifications in Todoist

Available for

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Business

Notifications keep you in the loop with what’s going on in your shared projects. In Todoist, you can receive notifications for different activities, either through email or push notification. These can range from someone posting a task comment to a teammate joining a project.

If you’re collaborating with a big group, that’s a lot of notifications, so we made sure to keep things easy and flexible by letting you choose which notification to receive on your devices.

Set up notifications

  1. Log in to Todoist.
  2. Click your avatar at the top-left.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click the Notifications tab.
  5. Turn on Desktop and web notifications.


When this option is turned on, you'll receive notifications on both the Todoist web app and desktop apps, even if you’ve deselected both email and mobile notifications for specific project activities. If you no longer want to receive notifications on these platforms, follow the steps above and turn off Desktop and web notifications.

Choose your preferred notifications

You’ve the flexibility to choose which notifications to receive or not receive from Todoist. Here’s a breakdown of what you’re notified about:

Shared project notifications

Comments for youSomeone mentions you in a task.
Tasks assigned to youSomeone assigns a task to you.
Task completedA task you created or assigned is completed.
Task uncompletedA task you created or assigned is uncompleted
Project archivedSomeone archives a project you share with them.
Project invite acceptedSomeone accepts your invitation to join the project.
Project invite declinedSomeone declines your invitation to join the project.
Project collaborator leftSomeone leaves a project you share with them.
Project collaborator removed

Someone removes another person from a project you share with them.

Workspace notifications

Workspace invite accepted

Someone accepts an invitation to join the team workspace.

Workspace invite declined

Someone declines an invitation to join the team workspace.

Removed from workspace

Someone removes another person from the team workspace.

Workspace deleted

A team workspace is deleted.

Joined via Team Discovery

Someone joins the team workspace through Team Discovery.

Account & update emails

Email listDescription
Daily digest

Personalized productivity stats along with your tasks for today. Sent every morning at 9:00 AM.

What's new

Exciting features and updates from the Todoist team. Sent no more than once a month.

Tips and tricks

Insider tips and powerful productivity advice

New login alert

Email notification every time a new device is logged into your account


Early access to new features, so you can help us shape the future of Todoist

Mobile app notifications

Morning overview

A notification sent once daily, and informs you of how many tasks you have yet to complete that day. Use the scheduler to choose the hour you want to receive your morning overview.

iOS and Android
Evening review

A notification sent once daily, and prompts you to review what's left to complete at the end of the day. Use the scheduler to choose the hour you want to receive your evening review.

iOS and Android
Onboarding assistant

Notifications to help you learn how to best use Todoist

iOS and Android
Goal celebrations

A notification for when you complete your daily or weekly goals, encouraging you to celebrate the small and big wins.

iOS and Android
Go to primary settings

Additional system settings to customize Todoist notifications



SMS notifications aren't an option in Todoist. If you believe this would be helpful for your workflow, feel free to use the Todoist feedback form to make a request.

Best practices for notifications

To stay on top of your schedule without bogging down in overwhelm, here are some best practices when using notifications in Todoist:

Check the Notifications tab

Check all of your notifications—both read and unread—in the Notifications tab. If you need to check just your unread notifications, you can open the Unread tab.

Summer · Customer Experience Specialist

If you want to mark all your unread notifications as read, simply click or tap the checkmark icon.

Choose notifications that matter to you

Cleaning up hundreds of project notifications isn’t the best use of your time. Choose which notifications matter the most and where you want to receive them by selecting either email or push notification, or both, beside the project activity you want to be notified about.

Take control of your inbox

Subscribing to our emails is just as easy and flexible. Toggle the email lists that are of value to you. You can remove yourself from the rest.

Get in touch

If you’re having trouble managing your Todoist notifications, get in touch with us. We— Summer, Evert, Diane, and any of our other teammates—are more than happy to lend a helping hand!