
The Complete Guide to Deep Work

The Complete Guide to Deep Work

Based on Cal Newport’s book Deep Work, this comprehensive summary and guide teaches you to harness focus, ditch distractions, and improve your productivity.

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10 Insights That Will Change the Way You Set (and Achieve) Your New Year’s Resolutions

10 Insights That Will Change the Way You Set (and Achieve) Your New Year’s Resolutions

The year is very quickly coming to an end. It’s the perfect time to evaluate what you accomplished in 2019 and begin planning for how to make 2020 even better.This time around, resolve to take a smarter approach to setting and achieving your New Year’s resolutions with these 10 science-backed, battle-tested pieces of advice from the experts.

The Art and Science of Loving Your Job

The Art and Science of Loving Your Job

When you’re struggling to feel good about the work you do, quitting your job to “follow your passion” isn’t your only course of action. Discover what the research has to say on how we can all be happier in our work, regardless of what we do for a living.

The Complexity Bias

Why choose a simple explanation when a complex one will do? Complexity bias describes our tendency to prefer complicated explanations and solutions over simple ones.…

The Complexity Bias

Present Bias

Those of us who struggle with procrastination are intimately acquainted with the Present Bias. The Present Bias describes our tendency to choose a smaller, immediate…

Present Bias

The Mere Urgency Effect

We will always have more tasks to complete than time to complete them. How do we decide what to prioritize? It turns out, not rationally…

The Mere Urgency Effect

The 5-Step Plan for Overcoming Your Productivity Addiction

The 5-Step Plan for Overcoming Your Productivity Addiction

It’s easy to think that the secret to unlocking our productive potential lies in the next article, video, e-book, or tool. But the (ironic) truth is that reading about productivity takes time and energy away from actually moving our important work forward…If you still feel compelled to click on this article, you need to read it! :D

The Zeigarnik Effect

In the 1920s, Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik observed an odd thing. While dining out, she was impressed by the complex orders the wait staff was…

The Zeigarnik Effect

The 15-Minute Habit Worth Making Time For

The 15-Minute Habit Worth Making Time For

If you’ve ever:– Wondered why people – including the likes of Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, and Sara Blakely – would spend so much of their precious time writing things that will never be seen by another soul; – Dismissed journaling because the thought of plumbing the depths of your soul and spilling it out on paper makes your skin crawl; or – (Upon being convinced that keeping a journal is, in fact, a worthwhile pursuit) gotten stuck on just how the heck to get started, …this article is for you.

Improve Your Focus and Find Your Calling by Working in Seasons

Improve Your Focus and Find Your Calling by Working in Seasons

If you’re struggling to find your purpose, or you’re stuck with too many options and can’t choose one to focus on, try working in seasons. A seasonal commitment has lower stakes than a lifelong pursuit. It gives you time to experience a skill, hobby, or job with full focus. And it gives you the freedom to decide when that season is over and you’re ready to try something new.

How to Organize Your Life

How to Organize Your Life

Keeping life organized often feels like a juggling act. Just as swiftly as you move to catch one ball – say finances, family commitments, or…

“Hey Siri, add a task to my Todoist”

“Hey Siri, add a task to my Todoist”

It’s that time of year again. Pumpkin spice lattes, not one but two brand-new iPhones, and the latest and greatest in the world of iOS. Of course, this means all-new powers for your iOS devices (whether you shell out for the new iPhone X or not). This year, there are a couple of big changes with iOS 11 that will make organizing your life with Todoist that much easier. Read on to learn all the details (and enter to win a pair of Apple AirPods)…

What Planners Can Learn from Doers… and Vice Versa

What Planners Can Learn from Doers… and Vice Versa

Do you consider yourself a planner or a doer? Wondering which side of the divide you fall into? Just like in poker, a few key “tells” could give you away. Once you know which way you trend, learn how you can become a much more productive person by picking up a few habits from your opposite-workstyle teammates.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy

Have you ever started reading a book and decided it was terrible, only to keep reading it anyway? If so, you’ve fallen victim to economists’…

The Sunk Cost Fallacy

How I Learned to Suck Less at GTD

How I Learned to Suck Less at GTD

Like many, I’ve attempted to follow David Allen’s famous Getting Things Done or GTD productivity method too many times to count. I might maintain my…

Hedonic Adaptation

Hedonic adaptation is our tendency to quickly return to our normal levels of happiness after both positive and negative external events. We pursue a promotion,…

Hedonic Adaptation

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